02/05/2024 9:57:53


KOBIENVER Project launched

KOBIENVER Project has been launch

KOSGEB has started a Project called “Energy Efficiency Project in SMEs” with the financial support of the French Development Agency.in order to increase SMEs’ knowledge and experience and awareness about energy efficiency and to use existing support program more effective. With this Project it is expected  to reduce the pressure of energy cost in SMEs which is especially vital for some SMEs and thereby the reduce the pressure of energy import cost in Turkish Economy. Also it is expected to create significant jobs and employment potential and to contribute to disseminate  the energy efficiency culture both in SMEs and  country level. uEhe4vG[1]H1BKQkk[1] After signing a Financing Agreement between KOSGEB and the French Development Agency (AFD) on 20th June 2011, project activities has officially been launched as of June 26, 2013.  Project activities has been carried out by a Consortium consisting Turkish and French experts  from CETIAT and YEŞİL GÜÇ Energy& Environment Consultancty and EPSİLON Energy.: